
Thursday 2 April 2015

Copadichromis azureus

Copadichromis azureus

© H. Blair Howell, Click Here to enlarge 90K
© H. Blair Howell,Click Here to enlarge 45K By H. Blair Howell Common Name: Copadichromis azureus Latin Name: Copadichromis azureus Origin: Lake Malawi Temperature: 75 - 82 Ease Of Keeping: moderate Aggressivness: fairly easy going except while mating lighting : Size: 6 inches Tank Size: 55 gallon Food: Feed a good quality flake

Spawning: Should be kept 1 or 2 males with a group (3 or more) Females. Maternal mouth brooder. Comments: This is an open water, schooling fish. Tank should have rocks for hiding places as well as many areas of open water. A sandy substrata is recomended. The fish pictured is a 1 year old male.

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